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The 7-Day "Awakening My ZEN+MAGIC" Challenge

Do you have any ZEN+MAGIC sprays?

If so, let's do the 7-day "Awakening My ZEN+MAGIC Challenge" together!

1. Choose ONE of your ZEN+MAGIC sprays (just one!).

2. Mark a start date on your calendar.

3. Find your spray below and the corresponding suggested use for it.

4. Do this ritual DAILY with the same spray for 7 days in a row.

5. DM me if you have any questions at all!

Choose your spray and follow the guidance for 7 days consistently:

*PURE or BLEND - Close your eyes and spray your aura (back and front) each morning before your leave the house and immediately after you return home.

*BLEST spray - Each evening (a few hours before bedtime & making sure your bed is made first), spray BLEST on your pillows/bed, then all corners of your bedroom (inside closets too).

*ELIXIR spray - After bathing each night, while still damp from the bath, spray your body and aura with ELIXIR, then towel dry.

*BLOOM or GRACE spray - Carry with you throughout the 7 days. Anytime you begin to feel a bit frazzled, close your eyes and spritz your upper back, over your head and over your heart chakra. Breathe in deeply and exhale.

*ABSINTHE spray - Each morning before starting your day, sit in a quiet place and close your eyes...spritz ABSINTHE over your upper back, head and heart chakra. Breathing in deeply, allow the heady scent to enter, invigorate and energize you.

Remember, ZEN+MAGIC sprays don't work unless you USE them.... :)

I recommend using them consistently at first, then as needed. Focus on one spray at a energy at a time...then building your own rituals with them as your needs evolve. A "ZEN+MAGIC Reboot" is a powerful spiritual reset...I do it every few months and sometimes more...whenever I start feeling a bit frayed or spun.

I would LOVE to know your experience with this challenge...please reach out to me and share? So much love...🙏


Visit and follow us on Instagram: @ZENandMAGIC



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